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    iOL is a blended learning tool which merges the benefits of classroom and internet learning.


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    In response to the increasing demand for Spanish translations over the years, inlingua Princeton created a Spanish Department in 2005, fully dedicated to assist our corporate clients with their translation needs. Our team of qualified and experienced project managers, proofreaders and reviewers are 100% bilingual and native Spanish speakers. Our project managers oversee and strictly monitor the progress of your translation projects from start to finish, assuring prompt delivery each and every time.

    We take a very detailed and careful approach to each project to make sure that your translation is accurate, flows naturally and fully conveys your message, both in “the written word” and “impact”.

    For each translation project, a certified translator is carefully selected based on his/her qualifications and area of expertise. All of our Spanish translators are certified by the American Translators Association (ATA) and are native Spanish speakers.

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